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Timeless Teachings in a Changing World

While schools of excellence are busy honing intelligence and skills, Villa Cecilia Academy of Arts and Technology endeavors to put a deeper perspective into these human assets as part of its bid on the total development of the child. The school believes that the sharpening of intelligence, attitude, skills and habits must be transformed into the level of wisdom so that the children learn timeless teachings in an ever-evolving world. The academic program includes research in every grade level as the school deems fit to the level. Research is an important component of excellent schools. Further, to answer the growing problem in acceptable communication skill, the curriculum provides for a speech class from Grade 7 to Grade 10. This curricular innovation shall complete the development of the five macro skills in language learning: reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing.


Students are exposed to a variety of extra and co-curricular activities to support the academic curriculum and to serve as laboratory for leadership and knowledge, skill, attitude and habit development. Villa Cecilia Academy of Arts and Technology pins its hope on teacher training and facility improvement to realize its dream of embracing the culture of excellence to be on a par with what they call the "bigger schools".

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