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The students represent VCAAT and all the ideals it upholds especially when they are in in school uniform. This VCAAT uniform is intended for school wear and for authorized representation.
All students shall wear the complete and proper uniform at all times.
All VCAAT School students must adhere to the VCAAT School dress code as follows:
Pre-Elementary Dress Code
   1. Dark green color short pants
   2. Dark green and pink collared polo shirt
   3. School patch placed on the left side of the shirt at chest level
   4. Low-cut black leather shoes
   5. White socks
   1. Plaid jumper short skirt
   2. Light pink blouse
   3. Low-cut black leather shoes 
   4. Knee high white socks
Elementary Dress Code
   1. Dark green short pants for Grades 1 - 3
   2. Dark green pants for Grades 4 - 6
   3. Dark green and pink collared t-shirt with school patch sewn on the
       left side of the shirt at chest level
   4. White undershirt
   5. Low-cut black leather shoes
   6. White socks
   1. Plaid pleated short skirt, light pink baby-collared blouse with    
       double ribbon and school patch sewn on the prescribed place for
       Grades 1- 3
   2. Plaid pleated long skirt, light pink collared blouse with ribbon tie     
       and school patch sewn on the prescribed place for Grades 4-6 
   3. Low-cut black leather shoes
   4. Knee high white socks for Grades 1 - 3 and regular white socks for
       Grades 4 - 6
Junior High School Dress Code
   1. Dark green pants
   2. Dark green and pink collared t-shirt with school patch sewn on the
       left side of the shirt at chest level
   3. Low-cut black leather shoes
   4. White socks
   1. Light pink blouse with ribbon tie and plaid-biased sleeves and
       school patch sewn on the left side
   2. Plaid skirt three inches below the knee cap
   3. Low-cut black leather shoes
   4. White socks
P.E. Uniforms
Students from preschool to high school are required to wear the following during the P.E. day:
A. For Preschool to Grade School
  • White t-shirt with green piping with school logo
  • Green jogging pants
  • White socks and rubber shoes (rubber shoes with wheels are not allowed)
B. For High School
  • White t-shirt with maroon piping with school logo
  • Maroon jogging pants
  • White socks and rubber shoes (rubber shoes with wheels are not allowed)
NOTE:    After the P.E. period, any plain white shirt can be worn in lieu of the official P.E. shirt.
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